Friday, November 29, 2013

Studying Ether Formation From Branched Alcohols

While we are currently investigating the "Exxon-Mobil" MTG " process (methanol-to-gasoline) with modified zeolite catalysts ( 200-250 deg. C in an autoclave 1-2 hrs. as a starting point), we are also looking at the possibility of forming branched aliphatic ethers ( from guerbet alcohols) with "modified activated carbon"  at 110-120 deg. C ( overnight?) in a lab oven. Our starting study involves the use of 2-ethyl-1-hexanol.

Initial Attempt at Forming Aliphatic Ethers with Modified Activated Carbon

Attempting to form  the ether derivative  of "2-ethyl-1-hexanol" ( simplest guerbet beta-branched alcohol) at 120 deg.C ( left overnight) utilizing an "activated carbon" derivative as an alternative to the use of zeolites.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Pressure Gauge

We have reached pressures of up to 750 PSI.  This would equate to about 1200 ft. below sea-level.

System Leak

We stay at temperature ranges of 200-250 deg.C The teflon tape seals we use can deform at 260 deg.C.  We have gone 24 hrs. at 250 deg. before leak occurred with pressure loss.

Our Autoclave ( Autoclave Engineers/ Erie, PA.)

Large Monolithic Zeolite Foams/ Macroporous;2-U/abstract

Preparation of Nanoporous Zeolite Using Polyurethane Foam

We precipitate clay-like alumino-silicates on a polyurethane foam at 120 deg. C/ 24 hrs. The monolith is then washed and calcined at 500 deg.C to yield a nanoporous zeolite which then is acidified with NH4+  to generate the acid form for screening with alcohols.

This is the polyurethane foam before treatment with the mineral solution.